When Life Throws You A Curveball

Unexpected Pregnancy in School


When Life Throws You a Curveball:

Dealing with an Unexpected Pregnancy while in School


Finding out you're pregnant in the middle of your studies can really mess up your perfect plans for finishing your education, getting your degree or diploma and heading off to the start of your new career. Or does it?

Have you ever seen the movie “Trouble with the Curve”? In the movie there is a baseball player who is considered the first round overall top pick, he seems to have everything any major league team would want in a player…except for his one weakness…the curve ball. That’s the one pitch this player doesn’t know how to handle and will strike out if thrown it.

Finding out you are pregnant while in school can feel like you’ve been thrown a curveball. You feel like you have everything lined up to be successful in life, but then you get thrown something you are not sure you can handle.


“This cannot be happening right now!”


I get it. This is not the right time, you have plans and getting pregnant was not one of them. This seems like it's just going to mess everything up.

You probably have a lot of questions like, “What does this mean for me?” “How will this affect my life and my plans?” “What are my options?” “Where can I go for help?”

I want you to know that if you are afraid you may be pregnant or know that you are, you are not alone! You are not the only one this has happened to; this is much more common than you may think.

According to the most recent statistics by Stats Can1 and CIHI2 over 60,000 young women under 24 got pregnant in 2022 in Canada. Many of those would have been in school for either elementary, secondary, post-secondary or graduate studies.


This happens a lot!


Yes, this is not what you planned, yes you can’t even imagine this actually happening to you right now, but it doesn't have ruin your plans to finish your education or get that degree.

At Mea Centre we are here to help in those situations, with those unexpected pregnancies. We have helped many women in many different situations including while in school.

We are here to encourage, empower and equip you so you can face the curveball of an unexpected pregnancy and have all the tools you need to NOT strike out.

We want you to be properly informed on what you're going through and what your options are before you make any decision.  We are here to provide a confidential and non-judgmental space to get information and support so you can be empowered to make a decision that aligns with your values and dreams.

Know that you can get through this, and we are here to help you along the way.

If you would like to book a confidential appointment CLICK HERE


By: Sarah, Client Services Director



  1. Live births, by age of mother (statcan.gc.ca)
  2. Induced abortions in Canada | CIHI