It is normal to have a lot of questions surrounding taking a pregnancy test. This quick guide will help answer the top questions we get asked about pregnancy tests.
What are some pregnancy symptoms?
Signs of pregnancy:
- Missed period
- Fatigue, faintness, or feeling lightheaded
- Constipation, gas, or bloating
- Frequent urination
- The areola (the circle of skin directly surrounding the nipples) becomes darker
- Lighter, shorter period or irregular bleeding
- Breasts feeling more tender, sensitive, swollen, and/or heavier
- Backaches, headaches, and cramps
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Mood swings
“While some pregnant women will have many of these symptoms, others will have only one or two, and others may have none at all. Having any, or even all of the symptoms above, does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. These symptoms can be caused by many different things. The best way to confirm whether you are pregnant is to take a home pregnancy test or visit your health care provider.” – sexandu.ca
What type of pregnancy test do you offer?
We offer a medical grade urine specimen test that has a 99.6% accuracy rating. Our pregnancy tests work by detecting a special hormone in your urine called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
When should I take a test?
It is recommended to wait until after a missed period before taking a test. The longer you wait the more accurate the test will be. You can take a test anytime during the day, however, the best time to take a test is in the morning with an early morning urine sample. First thing in the morning is when your urine is at the highest concentration.
“If you don’t want to wait until you’ve missed your period, you should wait at least one to two weeks after you had sex. If you are pregnant, your body needs time to develop detectable levels of HCG. This typically takes 7 to 12 days after successful implantation of an egg.” – Healthline.com
Do I need my parent’s permission to take a test?
No, you do not need your parent’s permission.
What is the cost of a test?
FREE! We offer pregnancy tests for free to anyone who needs one. To purchase one at the drug store it could cost anywhere from $5-$35.
Why did my test come back negative?
There are many reasons why you might have gotten a negative result.
- Hormone levels
Because the test is detecting a certain hormone, your body might not be producing sufficient levels of the hormone for the test to detect. Every woman’s body is different and has different hormone levels, so it could just be too early. If you still have not gotten your period a week after taking your first test then you could take another test.
- Other reasons for a missed period
We understand that you are now confused as to why you missed your period if you are not pregnant. There are a variety of reasons why you might have missed your period.
“Keep in mind that your period can sometimes be delayed or skipped due to stress, diet, exercise, or certain medical conditions.” – Healthline.com
We recommend talking to your family doctor or gynecologist who can help you figure out why you missed a period and come up with possible solutions or treatments.
What do I do after a positive test?
First, breath. Then, call us. That’s why we are here. To provide you with accurate information on all of your pregnancy options. We give you the space you need to talk about your feelings, gather information, and be heard in a non-judgemental environment. Once you make your pregnancy decision we offer support for whatever you decide. For more information on your options visit our website. MY OPTIONS
How can I make an appointment?
CONTACT US to make a confidential appointment.
By Elizabeth, Executive Director