“This can’t be happening!”
Yes, I have been there. The thoughts of “This is not how it’s supposed to be. This is not how I thought our relationship would turn out. This is not what I want for my life. This is the end of everything I’ve ever known.” The crying, the panicking, the bargaining…yes, I have been there.
You just got news you did not expect and now you are feeling devastated, shocked, and scared.
That’s how it can feel to have an unexpected pregnancy. You think you have your life planned out; you know where you are going, you know what you want and getting pregnant was NOT something you wanted.
When faced with this surprising news your first instinct might be, “how can I make this go away?” You want to pretend that it never happened, because if it never happened then you don’t have to deal with the changes this new news will cause in your life.
“I just want things to go back to normal.”
If you are considering an abortion, then it is important to know the different types of abortion available and the possible risks and complications.
A medical abortion is available up to 9 weeks gestation by taking two pills prescribed by a health care professional. If this is not successful you will need to have the surgical procedure to complete the abortion.
A surgical abortion is available up to 12 weeks gestation in Kingston. This procedure involves an operation where a vacuum aspiration device is used to empty the contents of the uterus.
Some of the possible complications include: bleeding, pain and cramps, infection, perforation of the uterus, adhesions, and cervical injury.* Not treated these can lead to greater complications.
It is also important to note that although the procedure might be successful, you could still be left with lingering feelings. The post-abortion experience is different for everyone. Some women feel fine afterwards, they feel relief and are ready to continue on with their lives. Other women struggle with negative emotions.
“Natural hormonal changes that occur in your body during pregnancy are affected by an abortion. These hormonal changes can make you feel more emotional than usual. You may experience a spectrum of feelings, ranging from sadness, anger, and regret to guilt or relief. In fact, hormonal changes can cause depression symptoms, including sleeplessness (insomnia), sadness, tearfulness, anxiety, hopelessness, irritability, and poor concentration. Lasting symptoms require professional attention.” – HealthlinkBC.ca Read more here.
This is why we offer Post-Abortion Support. We are here to help you sort through these feelings and find resolution and healing. It is okay to not feel okay after abortion. There is nothing wrong with you if you do struggle, no one’s experience is the same.
If you would like to talk to one of our support workers contact us to make an appointment. We are here to give you confidential and non-judgmental support. Whether you would like to talk about your options, get more information on abortion or would like to know more about our post-abortion support, we are here for you.
What surprised me the most from my experience with unexpected news was that what I initially thought was the end of the world, turned out to be the beginning of a new world for me. I am so glad I had people I could talk to about my experience who helped me through the chaos to see the beauty on the other side.
Click here to make an appointment.
Click here to read more about your options.
*Referenced from The Women’s Clinic Dilation and Curettage Guidebook, 2019.
By: Elizabeth, Executive Director