“My support worker was very kind, knowledgeable and easy going, and she really helped.” - Client


What About Adoption?

  1. I want more for my baby than I can give him right now
  2. I am a good parent but don’t know how I am going to manage
  3. I would do anything to give my child a good life but I have things to accomplish before I am ready to be a parent

If any of these statements describe how you are feeling, adoption is a parenting choice to consider.  Adoption has changed.  You have choices. 

We can help you make the adoption plan you envision.  Let’s talk.

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Post Adoption: Birth Mom’s Support

Adoption is a loving parenting choice.  It also involves a grief journey.  Have you made that choice?  Are you thinking about making that choice?  

Mea Centre offers on-going support for the birth family; a safe place to process and grieve. Individual support is available.

We can help