You just found out you are pregnant.
Now your mind a slew of endless commentary. “How could I let this happen?” “How could I be so stupid?” “What was I thinking?” “I’m such an idiot.” Your mind is filled with endless negative thoughts as you give your self a mental and emotional beating.
I’ve been there too. Sitting on the floor curled up in the fetal position bawling my eyes out in pain and regret over decisions made. It hurts…a lot.
But no matter how much we wish, we can’t take it back. What’s done is done. So I urge you to drop the gloves and stop beating yourself up.
The reality is that everyone makes mistakes, everyone messes up sometimes. And that doesn’t mean you are a bad person. It doesn’t mean that you are tainted or less valuable. You have intrinsic value and worth just because you are you. So don’t be so hard on yourself.
What can you do?
Find someone you can talk to and get support.
At Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre we specialize in support for those experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Our trained support workers will go over all of your options and listen to your feelings and fears without any judgement. You are free to be you, you are free to cry, scream, laugh, let it all out. And no matter what decision you make for your pregnancy, we will be here for you.
Dr. Barton Goldsmith in Psychology Today says “depressing thoughts can distort your thinking, and it’s hard to perceive the world correctly during those times. The truth is that by letting the tears flow, you are letting out what hurts while making more room in your heart for positive thoughts and feelings. Expressing your pain is actually a good way to make it stop.”
We can be that listening ear to you and help you find hope and healing. You don’t have to go through this alone.
“When you open your mouth, you are also opening your heart, and knowing that someone truly hears what you are feeling and understands you is soothing to your soul.” Dr. Barton Goldsmith, Psychology Today.
To read Dr. Goldsmith’s full article click here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/emotional-fitness/201311/dont-bury-your-feelings
By: Elizabeth Sacrey, Executive Director