
Red Flags in Relationships

Red Flags in Relationships
Are you in a relationship? Most of us have been in a romantic relationship at one time or another. Do you often wonder if your relationship is healthy or not? Do you find yourself questioning your decisions often or insecure about your connection to your partner? 
Keep in mind, a healthy relationship is not a perfect relationship. Every relationship takes time, effort and work. To say any relationship is perfect is unrealistic. Perhaps, you are in a relationship where you are not sure if you are being mistreated. 

Is it Love?

Is it Love?


When we are in a relationship one of our biggest questions is “Is it love?” “Does he/she love me?” This is something many songs have been written about. Whitney Houston in her famous song sang, “How will I know if he really loves me?”  and Cher sang, “If you want to know if he loves you so, it’s in his kiss.” And although they are nice lyrics, the truth is love is much more than physical attraction and sexual acts.

So how do you know if it is love or not?

Top 5 Signs it is Love

Loving Boundaries

Boundaries in a relationship


Being in a relationship can be very exciting. However, whether you are newly dating, or have been with someone for years, maintaining boundaries is crucial in sustaining a healthy relationship. 

Boundaries ultimately allow for you to define what you are comfortable with, sharing what is important to you. Understanding our own boundaries can help in expressing when we are not comfortable with another person's actions.*