Next Group Begins: Thursday, October 24th
8 Weeks | Thursdays | 1-3pm
Women deserve unwavering support after abortion loss. Each abortion experience is deeply personal and complex. And, the feelings may be a range of positive and negative emotions that change over time.
Keys to Hope and Healing is the gateway to start a conversation about healing from abortion. It opens the door to start the journey and consists of six keys to work through. The keys build on each other, digging a little deeper into the past hurt that abortion has caused and encourages participants to look at their own lives and make connections from their current emotions and behaviors to their abortion experience and find ways to work through them.
The 6 Keys include:
KEY 1: Acknowledge Where You Are Now
KEY 2: You Are Not Alone
KEY 3: Freedom from Anger Through Forgiveness
KEY 4: Moving Through Grief
KEY 5: Walking In Confidence and Hope
KEY 6: Giving Hope to Others
To Sign up for our next Group CLICK HERE
If you would prefer individual support please Book a Private Appointment
To get more information please email: